Rapid palatal expansion has been associated with significant short and long term unwanted effects such as dentoalveolar tipping and detrimental periodontal effects when carried out in skeletally mature individuals. Mini implant assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) has proven to reduce the undesirable effects seen in tooth supported expanders and allows expansion even in adults. A variety of designs have been suggested with their pros and cons. Biomechanically, it is important that the TADs attachment of the expansion appliance should be as close to the palatal vault as possible. This prevents bending of TADs and allows for a better split by keeping forces closer to the bone. According to the T zone concept given by Benedict Wilmes, the bone in the canine-premolar region is much superior for TAD insertion and stability as compared to the bone in the molar region. Considering all the above features a new MARPE appliance was designed which is versatile, anatomically compatible and easy to use. FAVEX is a treatment-centric appliance so that the treatment need not be appliance centric.