Please cite this article as: J.M. Cabrero, G. Vargas, Analysis of the validity of the three-point off-axis bending method, Appl. Math. Modelling (2015), doi: http://dx.Abstract Several methods for determining in-plane shear properties of anisotropic materials (i.e. bre reinforced composite materials and natural wood) based on exural loading have been proposed. One of those methods is the o-axis exural test that considers unidirectional composite materials subject to three-point bending loading. As a result of the anisotropic behaviour, unidirectional oaxis laminates subjected to exure present a bending-twisting coupling that may cause, in the case of 3-point bending loading, a lift-o of the specimen on the xture supports. Such specimen lift-o has been considered one of the critical features to be considered on the mentioned experimental method. Besides geometrical parameters, material elastic constants, as longitudinal, transversaland shear elastic moduli, inuence the validity to use this method for characterizing in-plane shear properties. On that sense, an analytical approach for studying the material conditions for which the application of the o-axis 3P-B test is adequate is presented.