In this work, an extractive distillation
configuration for dehydration
of nitric acid is proposed with sulfuric acid as a solvent. Thermodynamic
modeling of the vapor–liquid equilibrium of binary and ternary
systems of nitric acid/water/sulfuric acid is carried out using the
electrolyte non-random two-liquid (eNRTL-RK) thermodynamic property
method in the Aspen plus process simulator. The model performance
is validated by comparing the experimental data with the estimated
data by the eNRTL-RK model and is found to be in good agreement. The
thermodynamic model is then used for developing a triple-column extractive
distillation sequence, comprising a preconcentration column, an extractive
distillation column, and a solvent recovery column. The configuration
is designed, simulated, and optimized to concentrate dilute nitric
acid using sulfuric acid as a solvent to break the nitric acid–water
azeotrope. The operating and structural parameters of the distillation
configuration are optimized simultaneously with an objective of minimizing
the energy consumption and the total annual cost (TAC) of the overall