Article:Maher, M.J., Zhang, X. and van Vliet, D. (2001) Abstract ⎯ This paper deals with two mathematically similar problems in transport network analysis: trip matrix estimation and traffic signal optimisation on congested road networks.These two problems are formulated as bi-level programming problems with stochastic user equilibrium assignment as the second-level programming problem. We differentiate two types of solutions in the combined matrix estimation and stochastic user equilibrium assignment problem (or, the combined signal optimisation and stochastic user equilibrium assignment problem): one is the solution to the bi-level programming problem and the other the mutually consistent solution where the two sub-problems in the combined problem are solved simultaneously. In this paper, we shall concentrate on the bi-level programming approach although we shall also consider mutually consistent solutions so as to contrast the two types of solutions. The purpose of the paper is to present a solution algorithm for the two bi-level programming problems and to test the algorithm on several networks.