“…A short up to date synopsis of optimisation models in distribution systems is presented in Table 1, but for a more detailed historical survey of the varying distribution system techniques and their origins the interested reader is referred to Madsen (1983), Min et al (1998), Kenyon and Morton (2001), and Nagy and Salhi (2007). Lin et al (2002), Yu et al (2010), Stenger et al (2012). Greedy randomised adaptive search optimisation Prins et al (2006), Duhamel et al (2010), Nguyen et al (2012) Variable neighbourhood search optimisation Melechovský et al (2005), Ghodsi and Amiri (2010), Derbel et al (2011) Genetic algorithms Zhou and Liu (2007), , Jin et al (2010), Karaoglan and Altiparmak (2010) Branch and cut optimisation Belenguer et al (2011), Karaoglan et al (2011) Mixed-integer programming; Integer linear programming Alumur and Kara (2007), Diabat and Simchi-Levi (2009);Laporte et al (1989); Ambrosino and Scutella (2005) …”