Strain rate sensitivity has been widely recognized as a significant feature of the dynamic mechanical properties of lithium-ion cells, which are important for their accurate representation in automotive crash simulations. This research sought to improve the precision with which dynamic mechanical properties can be determined from drop tower impact testing through the use of a diaphragm to minimize transient shock loads and to constrain off-axis motion of the indenter, specialized impact absorbers to reduce noise, and observation of displacement with a high speed camera. Inert pouch cells showed strain rate sensitivity in an increased stiffness during impact tests that was consistent with the poromechanical interaction of the porous structure of the jellyroll with the liquid electrolyte. The impact behaviour of the inert pouch cells was similar to that of an Expanded Polypropylene foam (EPP), with the exception that the inert pouch cells did not show hysteretic recovery under the weight of the indenter. This suggests that the dynamic mechanical behaviour of the inert pouch cells is analogous to a highly damped foam.