ence of both serotype-specific determinants (3,16,19,20,39,43,60) and cross-reactive determinants (1,3,5,12,13,26,43). The immunological relationships among morphotype E flagellins have been analyzed by using monoclonal antibodies (43,60). In addition to serotype-specific and broadly cross-reactive epitopes, other epitopes were common among subgroups of closely related flagellin serotypes within morphotype E. Immunogold labeling studies demonstrated that serotype-specific determinants tend to be surface exposed in intact flagellar filaments, while cross-reactive determinants tend to be hidden (43,60).DNA sequence analysis of flagellin structural genes from E. coli K-12 (24), Serratia marcescens (10), and several Salmonella serovars (15,48,58,59) demonstrated that the termini of flagellin proteins are conserved. The central region of the flagellin molecule is variable and gives rise to serotype-specific epitopes (6,16,18,19,23,36,45,47,48,58). The flagellin protein therefore possesses several distinct structural domains (34,46,(51)(52)(53)(54)56). These have been mapped on the primary structure of the flagellin molecule and localized within the intact flagellar filament by electron density mapping studies (57). The conserved, terminal regions of flagellin were found to be associated with the inner structure of intact flagellar filaments. The outer surfaceexposed architecture is formed from the folding outward of 5395