A compact undulator-based soft X-ray radiation source furnishing the laser wakefield electron acceleration concept is currently being developed at ELI-Beamlines in the Czech Republic. It will bring to the user community a high-repetition-rate (up to 50 Hz) soft X-ray radiation to enable high-temporal-resolution pump-probe experiments, combined with XANES spectroscopy, high-resolution microscopy, investigations of biological molecules and chemical reactions, evaluation of soft X-ray multilayer optics, as well as with coherent radiation applications like ptychography or coherent diffraction imaging, at later development stages. Now the first stage called LUIS is under development, which will result in production of uncoherent radiation in the ‘water window’ spectral range. The next stages will enable coherent extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation. We present suggestions on the user-oriented program to the community.