We investigate the non-Gaussian signatures of ultra slow-roll inflation. The bispectrum and the trispectrum are calculated with general initial conditions. The trispectrum is of local shape, as in the case of the bispectrum. We show that the prediction of local non-Gaussianity is robust again generalizing the Bunch-Davies vacuum. The Suyama-Yamaguchi relation is saturated in this scenario.
PACS numbers:Inflation [1-3] generates remarkably Gaussian fluctuations [4]. While the departure from the Gaussianity plays a key role in classifying inflation models [5,6]. The non-Gaussianities generated in the primordial epoch can be characterized by their shapes. For example, the local shape non-Gaussianity [7,8] indicates large super-Hubble interactions; equilateral [9] or orthogonal [10] shapes indicate modifications of the kinetic Lagrangian of the inflaton; intermediate shapes [11,12] are signs of existence for interacting sectors with energy scale of order Hubble; and a folded shape [9] arises from modified initial conditions.To relate inflationary models to observations, on the one hand, it is important to find out which model better fits data. On the other hand, it is equally (if not more) important to be able to rule out classes of models, with general assumptions. Consistency relations for non-Gaussianities are here in position for the ability to rule out models.The best studied consistency relation for non-Gaussianity is the Maldacena's squeezed limit [8,13,14]: In a 3-point function ζ k1 ζ k2 ζ k3 , when one of the mode has wavelength much greater than the other two (say, k 1 k 2 k 3 ), at the horizon crossing time of k 2 and k 3 , the mode k 1 is already super-Hubble and thus behaves as a shift of background. For single field inflation, this shift of background can be characterized fully by a modified Hubble crossing time for mode k 2 and k 3 . As a result, the 3-point function ζ k1 ζ k2 ζ k3 can be calculated from the scale dependence of the power spectrum asThis consistency relation can be understood as a no-go theorem, obstructing single field inflation to produce large local non-Gaussianities. However, no-go theorems are no better than their assumptions. When assuming the long wave length mode behaves as a shift of background, one need to be careful about the differences between a long wave length mode and a shift of background. The differences include:• The long wave length mode exits the horizon at an earlier time during inflation. However, a shift of background never exits the horizon. Thus initial correlations between k 1 and k 2 , k 3 , if not suppressed in the k 1 /k 2 → 0 limit, may provide a violation of the no-go theorem. There is indeed known counter example of this type: by allowing non-Bunch-Davies initial conditions for inflation [9].• The dynamics of the background scale factor is governed by the Friedmann equation, which is a first order differential equation, with only one mode (i.e. only one integration constant). However, the long wave length perturbation satisfies a second order different...