Increasing the net fixed-charge density in multilayer polyelectrolyte membranes using
postdeposition reactions results in large enhancements of ion-transport selectivity. To control the fixed-charge density in poly(acrylic acid)/poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAA/PAH) films, we partially
derivatized PAA using 2-nitrobenzyl bromide. The underivatized −COO- groups still allow adsorption of
PAA/PAH membranes on a permeable support, while postdeposition UV irradiation of these films cleaves
the 2-nitrobenzyl esters to form fixed-charge sites. Diffusion dialysis experiments show that PAA/PAH
membranes prepared with 23%, 50%, and 65% 2-nitrobenzyl esterified PAA exhibit Cl-/SO4
2- selectivities
of 100, 150, and 170, respectively (after photolysis). Underivatized PAA/PAH membranes show a selectivity
of only 10. The order of magnitude increase in selectivity resulting from derivatization occurs with a
minimal decrease in Cl- flux. By modifying PAH with photolabile 2-nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl groups, we
also introduced net, fixed positive charge into PAA/PAH films and improved cation (Na+/Mg2+) selectivity.
Transport simulations suggest that both Donnan exclusion and selective diffusion contribute to selectivity.