Single-pulse studies are important to understand the pulsar emission mechanism and the noise floor in precision timing. We study total intensity and polarimetry properties of three bright millisecond pulsars -PSRs J1022+1001, J1713+0747, and B1855+09 -that have detectable single pulses at multiple frequencies. We report for the first time the detection of single pulses from PSR J1022+1001 and PSR J1713+0747 at 4.5 GHz. In addition, for those two pulsars the fraction of linear polarization in the average profile is significantly reduced at 4.5 GHz, compared to 1.38 GHz, which could support the expected deviation from a dipolar field closer to the pulsar surface. While the fraction of linear polarization in single pulses of PSR J1022+1001 also follows this trend, the few single pulses in our data set of J1713+0747 seem to show a higher fraction of linear polarization at 4.5 GHz than at 1.38 GHz. We do not find evidence for orthogonal modes in single pulses for any of the pulsars. More sensitive multi-frequency observations may be useful to confirm these findings. The jitter noise contributions at 1.38 GHz, scaled to one hour, for PSR J1022+1001 and PSR J1713+0747 are ≈220 ns and ≈41 ns respectively and are consistent with previous studies, but for B1855+09 the jitter noise is ≈86 ns, which is lower than previously measured. We also show that selective bright-pulse timing of PSR J1022+1001 yields improved root-mean-square residuals of ≈23 𝜇s, which is a factor of ≈4 better than timing using single pulses alone.