All of the natural substances can be viewed as particles. According to the sizes of particles, the natural substances may be classified at six levels from small to large, and heir functional spectra can be established in the order from simple to complex. They are respectively point particles (?ppspPs), fundamental structural particles (FSPs), chemical particles (ChPs), nanoparticles (NPs), macroparticles (MPs) and celestial particles (CePs). The particles in one of these levels have their independent functional activities and interaction patterns different from those in the levels lower than In conclusion,the establishent of the size-function spectrum will be helpful to investigate the substance world as a whole, and reveal the interaction principles of the particles and biological essential fundamentals.Keywords: Size-function relations, Fundamental particles, Chemical particles, Nanoparticles, Macroparticles, Celestial particles Citation: Y. Zhang.Classification of substances based on use of nanoparticle as basical component.