Background: Prevalence of the diabetes among pregnant women is increasing, attributable to advance maternal age, multi foetal gestation, increased body mass index, strong family history, sedentary life style, change in the diet, continued immigration. Gestational diabetes has few symptoms, commonly diagnosed by screening during pregnancy. Methods: The present study was conducted at Department of Medicine and Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur. Rajasthan, India. Results: Out of 476 patients attending the antenatal outdoor at the Umaid Hospital, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. The prevalence of gestational diabetes in present study was 7.98%, Incidence of GDM found to increase with increasing age with maximum prevalence (10.71%) in more than 30 years age group, with increasing parity, low socioeconomic strata and in urban population. With maximum prevalence amongst higher parities (12.5%) in >G5 and higher). The incidence was higher with history of PIH (36.36%), family H/O DM (33.3%), GDM (12.12%), perinatal losses (15.15%), anomalous baby (9.09%), high BMI (67%). GDM complicate the normal course of pregnancy with increased incidence of PIH (36.4), Polyhydramnios (27.2%), infections like vaginal candidiasis (24.2%) and UTI (39.3%). The infant of diabetic mother had 12 (32.29%), 9 (26.47%), 11 (32.35%), 8 (23.53%) 5 (14.70%) and 3 (8.82%) of hypoglycemia, respiratory distress, macrosomia, congenital anomalies, birth injuries, polycythaemia, and hypocalcaemia respectively in diabetic mothers with suboptimal glycaemic control during pregnancy. Conclusions: GDM continues to be an important obstetrical condition with significant feto-maternal morbidity. Complications in infant of diabetic mother are more common with those mothers who had poor glycaemic control.