The central nervous system convulsant picrotoxin (PTX) inhibits GABA A and glutamate-gated Cl ؊ channels in a use-facilitated fashion, whereas PTX inhibition of glycine and GABA C receptors displays little or no use-facilitated block. We have identified a residue in the extracellular aspect of the second transmembrane domain that converted picrotoxin inhibition of glycine ␣1 receptors from non-use-facilitated to usefacilitated. In wild type ␣1 receptors, PTX inhibited glycine-gated Cl ؊ current in a competitive manner and had equivalent effects on peak and steady-state currents, confirming a lack of use-facilitated block. Mutation of the second transmembrane domain 15-serine to glutamine (␣1(S15Q) receptors) converted the mechanism of PTX blockade from competitive to non-competitive. However, more notable was the fact that in ␣1(S15Q) receptors, PTX had insignificant effects on peak current amplitude and dramatically enhanced current decay kinetics. Similar results were found in ␣1(S15N) receptors. The reciprocal mutation in the 2 subunit of ␣12 GABA A receptors (␣12(N15S) receptors) decreased the magnitude of use-facilitated PTX inhibition. Our results implicate a specific amino acid at the extracellular aspect of the ion channel in determining use-facilitated characteristics of picrotoxin blockade. Moreover, the data are consistent with the suggestion that picrotoxin may interact with two domains in ligand-gated anion channels.Glycine receptors belong to a superfamily of ligand-gated chloride channels that include GABA A 1 receptors, GABA C receptors, and glutamate-gated chloride channels (1). In native tissue, glycine receptors exist as either ␣ homomers or ␣ heteromers (1). They comprise five subunits (usually three ␣ subunits and two  subunits) arranged asymmetrically around the ion pore. Each subunit is made up of a large extracellular N-terminal region, four transmembrane domains (TM), and a large cytoplasmic domain; TMII forms the channel lumen (2). Glycine receptors are targets of therapeutics such as anesthetics as well as toxins like the central nervous system convulsant picrotoxin (1).Picrotoxin inhibits all known anionic ligand-gated Cl Ϫ channels (3-5). The mechanism of action and the exact location of picrotoxin binding are still unknown (6 -12). However, several studies have indicated that TMII is the probable site for picrotoxin action (6, 13-22) (Fig. 1). For example, the TMII of the glycine  subunit was found to be responsible for conferring resistance to picrotoxin in heteromeric glycine ␣ n  receptors (n ϭ 1-3) (6). Subsequent work has defined the existence of a phenylalanine residue at the 6Ј position of the TMII glycine  subunit in conferring insensitivity to picrotoxin (16). In addition, other TMII residues (2Ј and 19Ј) have also been implicated directly or indirectly in the mechanism by which picrotoxin inhibits these channels (13, 15,16). The mutations at positions 2Ј and 19Ј have been shown to affect the type of the inhibition (competitive versus non-competitive) by picrotoxin ...