In this article we consider asymptotic properties of network flow models with fast transport along the edges and explore their connection with an operator version of the Euler formula for the exponential function. This connection, combined with the theory of the regular convergence of semigroups, allows for proving that for fast transport along the edges and slow rate of redistribution of the flow at the nodes, the network flow semigroup (or its suitable projection) can be approximated by a finite dimensional dynamical system related to the boundary conditions at the nodes of the network. The novelty of our results lies in considering more general boundary operators than that allowed for in previous papers.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 47D06, 35B25; Secondary: 35L03, 347D62, 05C21, 15A16.Key words and phrases. Transport problem on network, asymptotic state lumping, convergence of sequence of semigroups, singularly perturbed dynamical system.