Tick paralysis is caused by a neurotoxin secreted in the saliva of a gravid female tick, and manifests with ataxia, areflexia, ascending paralysis, bulbar palsy, and ophthalmoparesis. An 84-year-old man presented in June in coastal Mississippi with several days of subacute ataxia, bulbar palsy, unilateral weakness, and absent deep tendon reflexes. MRI/MRA and extensive serum and cerebrospinal fluid investigations were unrevealing. His symptoms progressed over several days, until his nurse discovered and removed an engorged tick from his gluteal fold. Within hours of tick removal, his subacute symptoms completely resolved. While tick paralysis is rare in adults, it is a condition that internists should be familiar with, particularly in seasons and areas with high prevalence of disease. This case also highlights the importance of performing a thorough skin exam on patients with the aforementioned neurologic abnormalities.
INTRODUCTIONTick paralysis is a rare condition caused by the secretion of a neurotoxin in the saliva of a gravid female tick.
1,2It manifests with ascending paralysis, ataxia, areflexia, bulbar symptoms (dysphagia, dysphonia, dysarthria), and ophthalmoparesis (weakness of the extraocular muscles) after several days of tick attachment.1 Peak incidence is in the summertime, when the tick emerges from hibernation.1 In contrast to pediatric populations, which are typically affected, adults are rarely affected, as the neurotoxin concentration is thought to be attenuated by the larger adult body mass.3 Without tick removal, the disease can quickly become life-threatening, compromising respiratory muscle strength and resulting in respiratory failure. If missed, tick paralysis can portend significant morbidity and mortality.2 The hallmark feature of tick paralysis is a dramatic resolution of symptoms with one of the easiest treatments available-tick removal.
CASE PRESENTATIONAn 84-year-old man presented in June in coastal Mississippi with two days of unsteady gait and slurred speech. He was oriented to person, place, time, and situation, and did not have any memory loss. He had a past medical history of hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease stage 3, and hyperlipidemia, but no prior history of stroke or alcoholism. At baseline, he reported having a normal gait and performance status. There were no antecedent illnesses, vaccinations, travel, new medications, known insect bites, or alcohol binges. Social history revealed that he was an avid outdoorsman in a rural community and that he consumed 1-2 drinks per week but had no history of heavy alcohol use. On exam, the patient was a wellgroomed man whose vital signs were within normal limits and whose body mass index was 25. On neurologic exam, he was alert and oriented to person, place, time, and situation. His speech was slurred, but with normal comprehension. Cranial nerve exam revealed bilateral ophthalmoparesis, evidenced by weakness in his extraocular movements. Motor exam revealed bilateral upper extremity pronator drift, with the left arm more prom...