We report 294 liverwort taxa in 267 species for the State of Alaska, excluding the Aleutian Islands,15 taxa are listed as doubtful and an additional 17 of the previous reports are rejected as erroneous. The checklist is based on 417 literature references, including monographs, regional studies, and molecular investigations. The list represents the first compilation of liverworts from the region for over three decades. It is likely that a number of new records remain to be reported, based on regionally widespread species that have been recorded elsewhere. On the other hand, it is envisaged that a number of the taxa presented here may be synonyms of other taxa as they are taxonomically insufficiently known.
РезюмеЧеклист включает 294 таксонов печеночников, относящихся к 267 видам, известным с Аляски, не включая Алеутские острова. 15 таксонов отнесены к сомнительным, а eщe 17 исключены из флоры, поскольку выяснилась ошибочность определений. Чеклист основывается на 417 литературных источниках, в том числе систематических обработках, региональных флорах и заметках, а также образцах, цитированных в молекулярно-филогенетических работах. Список представляет собой первое за последние 30 лет обобщение по региону. Новые находки здесь вполне вероятны, учитывая, что не все распространенные на сопредельных территориях виды уже найдены в штате. С другой стороны, нельзя исключать что дальнейшие таксономические исследования приведут к сведению части таксонов в синонимы.KEYWORDS: Alaska, liverworts, checklist.
71°N. It covers 38 degrees of longitude from KetchikanGateway at 130°W to Nome census area at 168°W. Alaska is ecologically diverse ranging from coastal to upland tundra, coastal to boreal forests, to vast ice fields (Fig. 1). Wahrhaftig (1965) reported the great topographic diversity of Alaska in detail and divided it into 12 physiographic provinces and 60 smaller divisions.Hultén (1940) provided a detailed history of early botanical exploration in the Alaska and Yukon territories from the time of their discovery by Europeans in 1741 to the year 1940. Hultén provided a comprehensive list of early collectors, including details of their exploration and voyages, collections, herbaria housed, and resulting publications. , Steere & Inoue (1978) and Davison (1993) provided historical accounts of bryology in Alaska, including the North American Arctic in general. , focusing on the Arctic, remarked that the bryophytes of Arctic Alaska remained almost totally unknown until the 1950's, in stark contrast to Siberia, Arctic Canada and Greenland that were relatively well known. The historically poor knowledge of liverworts from Alaska had its roots in 18th and 19th century explorations and is summarized by an example offered by Steere & Inoue (1978). They noted that despite significant collections of plants, including bryophytes, made by several important voyages of exploration in the first half of the 19th century relating to a search for a Northwest Passage through the seas north of North America, only one species of liverw...