Microbial diversity in the environment is mainly concealed within the rare biosphere, which is arbitrarily defined as all species with <0.1% relative abundance. While dormancy explains a low-abundance state very well, the cellular mechanisms leading to rare but active microorganisms are not clear. We used environmental systems biology to genomically and metabolically characterize a cosmopolitan sulfate reducer that is of low abundance but highly active in peat soil, where it contributes to counterbalance methane emissions. We obtained a 98%-complete genome of this low-abundance species, Candidatus Desulfosporosinus infrequens, by metagenomics. To test for environmentally relevant metabolic activity of Ca. D. infrequens, anoxic peat soil microcosms were incubated under diverse in situ-like conditions for 36 days and analyzed by metatranscriptomics. Compared to the no-substrate control, transcriptional activity of Ca. D. infrequens increased 56- to 188-fold in incubations with sulfate and acetate, propionate, lactate, or butyrate, revealing a versatile substrate use. Cellular activation was due to a significant overexpression of genes encoding ribosomal proteins, dissimilatory sulfate reduction, and carbon-degradation pathways, but not of genes encoding DNA or cell replication. We show for the first time that a rare biosphere member transcribes metabolic pathways relevant for carbon and sulfur cycling over prolonged time periods while being growth-arrested in its lag phase.SignificanceThe microbial rare biosphere represents the largest pool of biodiversity on Earth and constitutes, in sum of all its members, a considerable part of a habitat’s biomass. Dormancy or starvation are typically used to explain a low-abundance state. We show that low-abundance microorganisms can be highly metabolically active while being growth-arrested over prolonged time periods. We show that this is true for microbial keystone species, such as a cosmopolitan but low-abundance sulfate reducer in wetlands that is involved in counterbalancing greenhouse gas emission. Our results challenge the central dogmas “metabolic activity translates directly into growth” as well as “low abundance equals little ecosystem impact” and provide an important step forward in understanding rare biosphere members relevant for ecosystem functions.