In this paper we consider a location model of the form Y = m(X)+ε, where m(·) is the unknown regression function, the error ε is independent of the p-dimensional covariate X and E(ε) = 0. Given i.i.d. data (X 1 , Y 1 ), . . . , (X n , Y n ) and given an estimatorm(·) of the function m(·) (which can be parametric or nonparametric of nature), we estimate the distribution of the error term ε by the empirical distribution of the residuals Y i −m(X i ), i = 1, . . . , n. To approximate the distribution of this estimator, Koul and Lahiri (1994) and Neumeyer (2008Neumeyer ( , 2009 proposed bootstrap procedures, based on smoothing the residuals either before or after drawing bootstrap samples. So far it has been an open question whether a classical non-smooth residual bootstrap is asymptotically valid in this context. In this paper we solve this open problem, and show that the non-smooth residual bootstrap is consistent. We illustrate this theoretical result by means of simulations, that show the accuracy of this bootstrap procedure for various models, testing procedures and sample sizes.