By relocation profilometry, a series of surface profiles can be recorded from the same track on a specimen. These techniques are used for monitoring specific particular points on the surface subjected to wear processes, in a more accurate manner as comparing to those involving average statistical information for surface. The method is providing a much more significant information about the surface, in a more efficient way, assuring that the same unworn investigated surface is studied after wear test. The studied roughness digital profiles were obtained before and after the testing of rolling/sliding line contacts, characteristic for spur gears, which has been simulated on SAE sets, with a two rollers test machine. The acquisition of the relocated profiles is performed on the same generatrix of the roller, before and after wear testing. To correlate the unworn and worn profiles, a spheroconical indentation was created on the circumferential surface of the disk, in the zone of the tested roller that remain unworn during the test. Measuring changes of the profiles by relocation techniques, two methods for wear assessment are presented: linear wear estimation by simulating the profile wearing and estimation of the volume wear.