Coryneform bacteria with LL-diaminopimelic acid in the cell wall were characterized.Morphological, biochemical, and chemotaxonomic characteristics, and DNA homologies revealed that they form an independent cluster among the coryneform bacteria.A new genus Pimelobacter is proposed for this group of coryneform bacteria.The type species of the genus Pimelobacter is Pimelobacter simplex comb. nov., which was previously named Art hrobacter simplex. Further, Pimelobacter jensenii sp. nov. and Pimelobacter tumescens comb. nov. are also described.The genus Arthrobacter was established for soil coryneform bacteria with a life cycle different from Corynebacterium and Mycobacterium by CONN and DIM-MICK in 1947 (1). The chemotaxonomic heterogeneity of the genus Arthrobacter was first pointed out by CUMMINS and HARRIS (2). Some strains have lysine in the cell wall and others have LL-diaminopimelic acid (LL-DAP). Later, FIEDLER et a!. (3) and YAMADA and KoMAGATA (4) reported that a majority of the Arthrobacter strains, including the type species Arthrobacter globiformis, have lysine and a few strains have LL-DAP in the cell wall.YAMADA and K®MAGATA (4) also reported that the DNA base composition of Arthrobacter strains with lysine in the cell wall ranges from 58 to 65 mol % of guanine plus cytosine (mol 0 G-+ C), while the DNA base composition of the coryneform bacteria with LL-DAP in the cell wall ranges from 70 to 72 mol % G+C; but the two groups of bacteria resemble each other with respect to their morphological and biochemical characteristics. The study of DNA homologies show that the coryneform bacteria with LL-DAP in the cell wall fall into one cluster and 1 Present address : Japan Collection