Pulsating flow is as old as the human being. It appears in different forms from a compressible to incompressible, one phase, two or multi phase flows. Some forms of pulsating flow are favorable like that increase the combustion efficiency in combustors. Other forms of pulsating flow are harmful such as pulsation associated with compressor surge leading to increase of the noise level. Understanding the behavior of the pulsating flow in different forms, its effects on the flow system performance and on the gas turbine engine cooling system are reviewed. Reynolds number, velocity gradient, pressure gradient and frequency are the main parameters that affecting the pulsating flow behavior. The measurement of pulsating flow in its forms is one of the major tasks of the researchers. From the review it appears that number of researches tried to cover the whole sides of pulsating flow phenomena and the different ways to measure it. However, a lot of works is still needed to be understood thoroughly the effect of pulsating flow on the flow systems and how it could be used to developed the performance.