Various boundary conditions of fluid lubrication th eories have been presen ted for th e trailing edge of the lubricant film of a journal bearing, but th ey do not seem to be clearly investigated ph ysically in connec tion with the lubricant film rupture. Th e reverse flow and, hence, th e separation of fluid are observe d experi ment ally to cause the film ruptu re. This condition is brought to be the boundary condition of th e bearing film rup ture in this paper. By usin g this condi tion, the bearing characteristics, such as eccentricity, load capacity, and attitude angle, are investigated theoretically . Th e experimen tal results, obtain ed by using the transparent bearing for the direct observation of th e bearing film behavior, agree well with the theoretical ones.On the oth er hand, DuBois and Ocvirk (4) use th e infinitely short bearing approxima t ion, then the boundary condition in the axial direction is h = cr ( l + e cos 0) = film t hickness , c, = radial clearance, e = eccentricity ra tio .One of the a pproaches t o solve Eq.[1] is to neglect t he axi al flow t erm (the second t erm of the left side of Eq. [1]) compa ring it with the circumferent ial flow term assuming it to be an infinitely long journal bearing. Anot her is to neglect the cir cumferential flow term cont ra rily with infinitely short bearing approximati on.The bou ndary conditi on presented by Sommerfeld (l) is to ass ume a complete ly continuous lubricant film and , + '. " , " 2' }- [4] o= 71" + 00 { p = 0, ap = 0 a t ao p = 0 at 0 = 0 and 271". [2] The solution with t his cond it ion gives the sy mmet rical existe nce of positive and negative pressures, hence t he sha ft locus becomes t he st raight line of ep (attitude angle) = 90°. Gumbel (2) uses a boundary condition of p = 0 at 0 = 0, 71" an d 71"~0~271". [3] whi ch is to neglect t he neg ative pressure from Sommerfeld's solut ion, but there remains a discontinuity of flow ra te at 0 = 7['.The t hird boundary condit ion (3) assumes zero pressur e gradient at the t railing edge followed by the discontinuous region , namely a t. 0 = 0, 71" + 00 and