As the magnetic fabric is concordant with the gross petrofabric of the rock (Borradaile, 1988), it represents a powerful tool for tectonic reconstructions, even in rocks at a low grade of deformation or in zones where deformation is not visible (Cifelli et al., 2004;Schwehr & Tauxe, 2003).Pangea Breakup is one of the most important events in the tectonic history of the Earth. This event started at ∼145 Ma and determined the present-day continent configuration (Heine et al., 2013;Moulin et al., 2010;Peace et al., 2020). Its understanding is crucial as one of its main results is the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. The event was responsible for the rifting events that resulted in several sedimentary basins in South and North America, Africa and Europe, not only at the coast but also in intracontinental settings (