This paper described the discharge classification under nonunif o r m electric field in air and He at low gas pressures for the application of HV technology to the power apparatus in space. In order to discuss quantitatively the change of the discharge, an image processing method was introduced. In the first place, 4 shape parameters were proposed to characterize the discharge pattern: the area SH, the flatness rate H/V, the location g of the center of luminosity of the luminous area, and the l e n g t h L of t h e positive column. T h e analysis with the image processing for air revealed that SH, N / V and g continuously increased a s the pressure decreased. Consequently, the discharge t y p e in air was successfully classified into 3 regions with two b o u n d a r y pressures 200 and 2000 Pa over t h e pressure range f r o m 1 . 3~1 0~ to 27 Pa. The discharge in H e was also analyzed i n the same way. A n o t h e r parameter, the effective c u r r e n t density J,, was introduced, which was defined a s a ratio of the discharge curr e n t t o the luminous area viewed from the vertical direction. J , proved to be independent of t h e discharge c u r r e n t Id, so that t h e r e is the possibility that J , was suggested as a universal parameter to classify the discharge i n a nonuniform electric field i n vacuum.