H istorically, robots first found application in factories and plants. Until recently, the most noticeable examples of robot systems direct ly sold to the consumer were limited to edutain ment systems (e.g., NAO [1]), automated chore robots [26], and social telepresence platforms [27]. Initially, telepresence robots consisted of a mobile base with an interactive screen. Today, following a trend of anthropomorphization of technology, humanlike upper bodies have begun to replace those simple screens (e.g., Pepper [2] and R1 [3]) and share the same social communication modalities of humans, e.g., body posture, gestures, gaze direction, and facial expressions. Un fortunately, social robots are mostly designed to speak and make gestures and have limited capabilities when it comes to physically interacting with people and their surround ing environments. On the other hand, looking at the state of art, there are promising examples (e.g., WALKMAN [4], Atlas [5], and TORO [6]) of humanoid robots that have been developed to operate in unstructured environments and perform challenging interaction tasks, e.g., walking on rough ter rains, moving heavy objects, and solving complex biman ual manipulation tasks. Specific enabling technologies have improved the effectiveness of these robots and facili tate their interactions with the surrounding world, e.g., active impedance control in TORO and serieselastic actuation in WALKMAN. Indeed, these same technolo gies permit robot arms to cross the borders of industrial work cells and become the type of collaborative robots that can work in close contact with people and share the same operating space. Although both humanoid robotics and teleoperation have a long history, we believe that three concurrent factors ALTER-EGO