Abstract.A primal-dual interior point method for optimal control problems is considered. The algorithm is directly applied to the infinite-dimensional problem. Existence and convergence of the central path are analyzed, and linear convergence of a short-step path-following method is established.Key words. interior point methods in function space, optimal control, complementarity functions AMS subject classifications. 49M15, 90C48, 90C51 DOI. 10.1137/S03630129034372771. Introduction. Numerical methods for solving optimal control problems governed by ODEs fall into two categories, the indirect methods [2,3,4,6,14,15,31] relying on Pontryagin's maximum principle, and the direct methods [7,17,21,30,37] based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions. Direct methods can be characterized by several features. Among them are the following:(i) Position of discretization: Discretize-then-optimize approaches use an a priori parameterization of the control and possibly the state variables to reduce the optimal control problem to a finite-dimensional nonlinear program. These large nonlinear programs can then be solved by standard NLP solvers. Adaptive mesh refinement can be performed after the finite-dimensional optimum has been reached. On the other hand, optimize-then-discretize approaches formulate the optimization algorithms directly in the infinite-dimensional function space, employing discretization only for solving linear operator equations. Adaptive mesh refinement is used to meet the accuracy requirements imposed on the solution of the linear equations by the optimization algorithm.Somewhere in between are function space sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods where linear-quadratic programs are discretized. (ii) Type of optimization algorithm: Among the most popular algorithms employed for solving the optimization problems arising in optimal control are SQP and interior point methods. A recent alternative are semismooth Newton methods [5,34]. Discretize-then-optimize methods are covered by a vast amount of published literature using almost any available algorithm for solving the finite-dimensional NLPs. Solutions on consecutive mesh refinement levels or in consecutive SQP steps often exhibit pronounced similarities. This redundancy can be directly exploited by active set-type methods. In contrast, interior point methods are considered to benefit less from this redundancy [20,40]. Nevertheless, interior point methods are reported to be very efficient for solving optimal control problems-a fact that is not well explained by straightforward application of finite-dimensional interior point convergence theory to