The formation of HXeCCH molecules and HXeCC • radicals resulting from chemical reactions in solid xenon-acetylene systems irradiated with fast electrons was studied by low temperature IR and EPR spectroscopies. The data obtained confirm the assignment of an absorption band with maximum at 1478 cm -1 to the H-Xe stretching vibrations in the HXeCC • radical. Relativistic density functional calculations with inclusion of anharmonic corrections permit a quantitative description of the vibrational spectra of xenon containing molecules and radicals. Preliminary experimental and computational data on the magnetic resonance param eters of the HXeCC • radical were obtained. This radical is characterized by large hyperfine coupling constants with magnetic nuclei of the xenon isotopes.Rare gas hydrides (compounds of the HRgX type, where Rg is the rare gas atom and X is an atom or atomic group with sufficient electronegativity) were first identi fied in 1995. 1,2 The existence of such molecules was un expected and attracted considerable attention of experi mentalists and theoreticians. The nature of chemical bonding in the new compounds, criteria for their stability, and their properties are of great interest for chemistry. Our EPR and IR spectoscopy studies showed that the formation of HRgX molecules is due to reactions of mo bile H atoms in rare gas matrices. 3,4 This mechanism was also independently confirmed by other researchers. 5 Since then more than ten HRgX compounds were obtained, including the first neutral chemical compound of argon HArF. 6,7 A general procedure for preparing the HRgX (Rg = Xe, Kr) compounds involves dissociation of the precursor molecules HX in the solid rare gas matrix at low temperature (<20 K) followed by formation of the HRgX molecules as a result of thermal reactions proceeding on annealing of samples to the diffusion temperature of H atoms (40-45 K in xenon or 30-32 K in crypton). Dissociation of the HX molecules can be attained by ex posing to UV light 1,2 or by irradiation with fast elec trons. 3,4 All HRgX molecules correspond to metastable states (local minima) with energies lying 3-5 eV higher than the energies of the global minima corresponding to the HX molecules. 6 However, the new molecules are stable enough to have almost infinite lifetimes under the low temperature matrix isolation conditions. Identification of the HRgX molecules is facilitated by the fact that the IR absorption bands corresponding to the H-Rg stretching vibrations are characterized by extremely high intensities (in some cases, they are an order of magnitude more intense than the corresponding HX bands) due to very large dipole moments of transitions.The formation of organic molecules representing prod ucts of insertion of rare gas atoms into the C-H and O-H bonds is of particular interest. Recently, 8 the possi bility for a number of metastable compounds of the HXeR and HXeOR (R is an organic radical) types to exist was predicted theoretically. More recently, we 9 and other re searchers 10 simultaneously and ind...