Variation in reproductive success is most pronounced in species with strongly biased operational sex ratios, prominent sexual dimorphisms, and where mate competition and choice are likely. We studied sexual selection in eastern tiger salamanders (Ambystoma t. tigrinum) and examined the role of body size on reproductive success. We genotyped 155 adults and 1,341 larvae from 90 egg masses at six microsatellite loci. Parentage analyses revealed both sexes engaged in multiple matings, but was more common among females (64%) than males (27%). However, the standardized variance in mating and reproductive success was higher in males. Bateman gradients were significant and nearly identical in both sexes, suggesting that sexual selection was roughly equal between sexes. Body size was not correlated with mating or reproductive success in either sex. The apparent lack of sexual selection on body size may be a result of sperm storage, sperm competition, alternative mating tactics, and/or random induction of spermatophores.