Abstract. In this paper, we prove a fuzzy Korovkin-type approximation theorem for fuzzy positive linear operators by using A-statistical convergence for four-dimensional summability matrices. Also, we obtain rates of A-statistical convergence of a double sequence of fuzzy positive linear operators for four-dimensional summability matrices.
IntroductionAnastassiou . In this paper, we prove a fuzzy Korovkin-type approximation theorem for fuzzy positive linear operators by using A-statistical convergence for four-dimensional summability matrices. Then, we construct an example such that our new approximation result works but its classical case does not work. Also we obtain rates of A-statistical convergence of a double sequence of fuzzy positive linear operators for four-dimensional summability matrices.We now recall some basic definitions and notations used in the paper. A fuzzy number is a function µ : R → [0, 1], which is normal, convex, upper semi-continuous and the closure of the set supp(µ) is compact, where supp(µ) := {x ∈ R : µ(x) > 0}. The set of all fuzzy numbers are denoted by R F . Let