According to the Buddhist philosophy, hatred (dosa) is considered as one of the three unwholesome roots which determine the actual immoral quality of volitional states and a conscious thought with its mental factors. Hatred, then, comprises all degrees of repulsion from the faintest trace of ill-humour up to the highest pitch of hate and wrath. Thus, ill-will, evil intention, wickedness, corruption and malice are various expressions and degrees of dosa. A hateful temperament is said to be due to a predominance of the type of dosa, apo, vayu and semha. Vedic psychology forms the clinical core of mental health counseling in the Ayurvedic medical tradition. According to Ayurvedic medical practises, a person is dominated on one of constitutes type (type of dosa) namely vata (vayu), pita (apo) or kapha (semha). This is known as prakurthi pariksha. Important aspect of identification of constitute type is for diagnosis of mental diseases, because each of constituent type has a list of probable mental diseases. An important area of expertise for many clinical psychologists is psychological assessment. Constructions of information systems using psychological assessment in clinical psychology have a problem of effective communication because of implicit knowledge. This complicates the effective communication of clinical data to the psychologist. In this paper, it presents an approach to modeling commonsense knowledge in clinical psychology in Ayurvedic medicine. It gives three-phase an approach for modeling commonsense knowledge in psychological assessment which enables holistic approach for clinical psychology. Evaluation of the system has shown 77% accuracy.