"There are three certainties in life: death, taxes and bugs in computer codes."
Modified quote of Benjamin Franklin"Hi ha tres certeses en la vida: la mort, impostos i errades en programes informàtics."Modificació de la cita de Benjamin Franklin "Hay tres certezas en la vida: la muerte, impuestos y fallos en programas informáticos."
Modificación de la cita de Benjamin Franklin
AbstractThis PhD study, developed at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), aims to cover the first phase of the benchmark released by the expert group on Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM-LWR). The main contribution to the benchmark, made by the thesis' author, is the development of a Matlab program requested by the benchmark organizers. This is used to generate neutronic libraries to distribute among the benchmark participants. The UAM benchmark pretends to determine the uncertainty introduced by coupled multi-physics and multi-scale LWR analysis codes. The benchmark is subdivided into three phases:1. Neutronic phase: obtain collapsed and homogenized problem-dependent cross sections and criticality analyses.2. Core phase: standalone thermohydraulic and neutronic codes.3. System phase: coupled thermohydraulic and neutronic code.In this thesis the objectives of the first phase are covered. Specifically, a methodology is developed to propagate the uncertainty of cross sections and other neutronic parameters through a lattice physics code and core simulator. An Uncertainty and Sensitivity (U&S) analysis is performed over the cross sections contained in the ENDF/B-VII nuclear library. Their uncertainty is propagated through the lattice physics code SCALE6.2.1, including the collapse and homogenization phase, up to the generation of problem-dependent neutronic libraries. Afterward, the uncertainty contained in these libraries can be further propagated through a core simulator, in this study PARCSv3.2. The module SAMPLER -available in the latest release of SCALEand DAKOTA 6.3 statistical tool are used for the U&S analysis. As a part of this process, a methodology to obtain neutronic libraries in NEMTAB format -to be used in a core simulator-is also developed. A code-to-code comparison with CASMO-4 is used as a verification. The whole methodology is tested using a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) reactor type. Nevertheless, there is not any concern or limitation regarding its use in any other type of nuclear reactor.The Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) stochastic methodology for uncertainty quantification is used. This methodology makes use of the high-fidelity model and nonparametric sampling to propagate the uncertainty. As a result, the number of samples (determined using the revised Wilk's formula) does not depend on the number of input parameters but only on the desired confidence and uncertainty of output parameters. Moreover, the output Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs) are not subject to normality. The main disadvantage is that each input parameter must have a pre-defined PDF. If possible, input PDFs are de...