Lung transport functions (distributions of circulatory transit times across the lung) were characterized in four anesthetized dogs at various levels of mean pulmonary blood flow. The central circulation was found to approximate a mathematically linear, time-invariant system when respiratory frequencies were maintained at 40/min or more. Lung transport functions were obtained from 144 pairs of lung-input and lung-output dilution curves using a lumped-parameter model and an iterative convolution technique. Average relative dispersion (standard deviation of the transport function divided by mean transit time) was 0.46, about twice that found previously for segments of arteries. The relative dispersion tended to increase as the mean transit time increased, suggesting that the dispersing mechanism of the lung is dependent on the mean transit time (volume/blood flow). Differences between these results and those of single-vessel transport function studies can be resolved by considering the lung as a parallel-pathway system. It is hypothesized that, as total pulmonary blood flow increases, the pathways become more equally perfused and the relative dispersion of the lung decreases.
Keywordsindicator-dilution method; central blood volume; circulatory mixing; indocyanine green; cardiac output THE TRANSPORT FUNCTION, h(t), of a segment of the circulation is the probability density function of transit times from the entrance to the exit of that segment (11,19). Because the bolus of indicator becomes dispersed in its traversal of a segment of the circulation, any rapid fluctuations in concentration at the entrance are diminished in amplitude or slurred out during passage through the system; therefore, the system acts as a low-pass filter. It is possible to characterize this filter in mathematical terms-in terms of a model (3,16,20), in terms of nonparametric description as given by the transport function itself (9), or in terms of Fourier components (6).When there is only one pathway between the upstream end of the segment and the downstream end, as in an artery, the dispersion of h(t) is due to the velocity profile and to turbulence or eddies in the stream. Such transport functions have been defined for a segment of artery of the human leg (1) and also for the aorta of the dog (2). It was found that the dispersion occurring in these segments was unaffected by variations in flow rate over a wide range.In the pulmonary vascular bed there are multiple parallel pathways and different regional perfusion rates, and it is possible that the regional pulmonary vascular volume is dependent on flow rate. The purposed of this study were to characterize the transport function of the dog's lung at various mean blood flow rates and to test the effect of changes in flow and in