Let G ∼ = Z/m1Z × . . . × Z/mrZ be a finite abelian group with 1 < m1 | . . . | mr = exp(G). The Kemperman Structure Theorem characterizes all subsets A, B ⊆ G satisfying |A + B| < |A| + |B| and has been extended to cover the case when |A + B| ≤ |A| + |B|. Utilizing these results, we provide a precise structural description of all finite subsets A ⊆ G with |nA| ≤ (|A| + 1)n − 3 when n ≥ 3 (also when G is infinite), in which case many of the pathological possibilities from the case n = 2 vanish, particularly for large n ≥ exp(G) − 1. The structural description is combined with other arguments to generalize a subsequence sum result of Olson asserting that a sequence S of terms from G having length |S| ≥ 2|G| − 1 must either have every element of G representable as a sum of |G|-terms from S or else have all but |G/H| − 2 of its terms lying in a common H-coset for some H ≤ G. We show that the much weaker hypothesis |S| ≥ |G| + exp(G) suffices to obtain a nearly identical conclusion, where for the case H is trivial we must allow all but |G/H|−1 terms of S to be from the same H-coset. The bound on |S| is improved for several classes of groups G, yielding optimal lower bounds for |S|. We also generalize Olson's result for |G|-term subsums to an analogous one for n-term subsums when n ≥ exp(G), with the bound likewise improved for several special classes of groups. This improves previous generalizations of Olson's result, with the bounds for n optimal.for any x ∈ A denotes the subgroup generated affinely by A, which is the smallest subgroup H such that A is contained in an H-coset. The relative complement of A is defined asWhen the subgroup H is implicit, it will usually be dropped from the notation. Regarding sequences and subsequence sums, we follow the standardized notation from Factorization Theory [4] [6] [11]. The key parts are summarized here. Let G 0 ⊆ G be a subset. A sequence S of terms from G 0 is viewed formally as an element of the free abelian monoid with basis G 0 , denoted F(G 0 ). Thus a sequence S ∈ F(G 0 ) is written as a finite multiplicative string of terms, using the bold dot operation · to concatenate terms, and with the order irrelevant: S = g 1 · . . . · g ℓ with g i ∈ G 0 the terms of S and |S| := ℓ ≥ 0 the length of S. Given g ∈ G 0 and s ≥ 0, we let g [s] = g · . . . · g s denote the sequence consisting of the element g repeated s times. We let v g (S) = |{i ∈ [1, ℓ] : g i = g}| ≥ 0 denote the multiplicity of the term g ∈ G 0 in the sequence S. If S, T ∈ F(G 0 ) are sequences, then S · T ∈ F(G 0 ) is the sequence obtained by concatenating the terms of T after those of S. A sequence S may also be defined by listing its terms as a product: S = • g∈G 0 g [vg(S)] . We use T | S to indicate that T is a subsequence of S and let T [−1] · S or S · T [−1] denote the sequence obtained by removing the terms of T from S. Then h(S) = max{v g (S) : g ∈ G 0 } is the maximum multiplicity of S, Supp(S) = {g ∈ G 0 : v g (S) > 0} ⊆ G is the support of S, σ(S) = ℓ i=1 g i = g∈G 0 v g (S)g ∈ G is the sum of S, Σ...