Auxin is one of the main regulators of growth and development in plants. Prediction of auxin response based on gene sequence is of high importance. We found the TGTCNC consensus of 111 known natural and artificially mutated auxin response elements (AuxREs) with measured auxin-caused relative increase in genes' transcription levels, so-called either "a response to auxin" or "an auxin response." This consensus was identical to the most cited AuxRE motif. Also, we found several DNA sequence features that correlate with auxin-caused increase in genes' transcription levels, namely: number of matches with TGTCNC, homology score based on nucleotide frequencies at the consensus positions, abundances of five trinucleotides and five B-helical DNA features around these known AuxREs. We combined these correlations using a four-step empirical model of auxin response based on a gene's sequence with four steps, namely: (1) search for AuxREs with no auxin; (2) stop at the found AuxRE; (3) repression of the basal transcription of the gene having this AuxRE; and (4) manifold increase of this gene's transcription in response to auxin. Independently measured increases in transcription levels in response to auxin for 70 Arabidopsis genes were found to significantly correlate with predictions of this equation (r = 0.44, p < 0.001) as well as with TATA-binding protein (TBP)'s affinity to promoters of these genes and with nucleosome packing of these promoters (both, p < 0.025). Finally, we improved our equation for prediction of a gene's transcription increase in response to auxin by taking into account TBP-binding and nucleosome packing (r = 0.53, p < 10(-6)). Fisher's F-test validated the significant impact of both TBP/promoter-affinity and promoter nucleosome on auxin response in addition to those of AuxRE, F = 4.07, p < 0.025. It means that both TATA-box and nucleosome should be taken into account to recognize transcription factor binding sites upon DNA sequences: in the case of the TATA-less nucleosome-rich promoters, recognition scores must be higher than in the case of the TATA-containing nucleosome-free promoters at the same transcription activity.