How diverse neuronal types are sequentially generated from individual neural stem cells is a central question in neurobiology. This "temporal patterning" is controlled by both intrinsic and extrinsic cues. Whether and how extrinsic cues interact with intrinsic programs to increase neuronal diversity, or if they only fine-tune the timing of temporal transitions, is not known. We use the simple Drosophila mushroom body lineage, comprised of only three neuronal types that are sequentially produced, to address the role of extrinsic cues in temporal patterning. As they age, mushroom body stem cells (neuroblasts) advance through intrinsic and opposing temporal gradients of two RNA-binding proteins, Imp and Syp. These intrinsic gradients are used to first produce g, then a'b', and finally ab neurons. The specification of each neuronal type is temporally confined to specific developing stages, and progression from one temporal window to the next occurs concurrently with key, developmental events. This suggests that extrinsic cues play important roles in patterning temporal identity in this lineage. We show that an extrinsic cue, Activin, not only times the young (Imp) to old (Syp) neuroblast fate transition but that it is also essential for increasing neuronal diversity by defining the mid-temporal window (a'b'). Activin reduces the levels of the intrinsic factor Imp, creating a scenario where Imp and Syp are both at low levels for an extended period. In Activin receptor mutants, a'b' neurons are not generated because high Imp levels inhibit the activation of a'b' effectors, including ecdysone receptor signaling.Additionally, the g temporal window appears to be extended and the ab window is shortened, due to a delayed Imp to Syp transition. Our results illustrate that temporal extrinsic cues during neurogenesis can modify an intrinsic temporal program to increase neuronal diversity.