ltisoften difficult toassess hew wellKnowledge-Based Systems(KBS) techniques andparadigms may beapplied toautomating various tasks. Thisreport describes theapproach andorganization ofanassessment procedure that involves two levels ofanalysis. Level One canbeperformed by individuals withlittle technical expertise relative toKBS development, whileI._v_l Two isintended tobeusedby experienced KBS developers. The two levels review fourgroups ofissues: goals, appropriateness, resources, andnon-technical considerations. Thosecriteria areidentifieG whicharcimportant ateachstep intheassessment. A qualitative methodology forscoring thetask relative totheassessment criteria isprovided toallow analysts tomake betterinformed decisions withregard tothepotential effectiveness ofapplying KBS technology. In addition to this documentation, the assessment methodology has been implemented for personal computers use using HYPERCARDTM software en a Macintosh m* computer. This interactive mode facilitates small group analysis of potential KBS applications and pemaits a non-sequential appraisal with provisions for automated note-keeping and question scoring. This work was performed for DOE/OAC/S&T under Advanced Concept Funding. The results provide a useful tool for assessing the feasibility of using KBS techniques in performing tasks in support of treaty verification or IC functions. The points of contact for further information are Mr.