This paper is devoted to proving the following theorem.Theorem. A hyperbolic group admits a strongly aperiodic subshift of finite type if and only if it has at most one end.We introduce the subject in Section 1 and give an informal outline in Section 2. In Section 3, we formally define our terms and set up the proof, which is a combination of the results of Sections 3-9 as follows:Proof of the Theorem. Propositions 8. 5, 8.12, and 9.5 show that any one-ended hyperbolic group G admits a non-empty subshift of finite type in which no configuration has an infinite order stabilizer. By Proposition 3.3, G admits a subshift of finite type in which no configuration has a stabilizer of finite order. Proposition 3.4 shows that the product of these subshifts is a strongly aperiodic subshift of finite type on G.By Proposition 3.3 every zero-ended group (that is, every finite group) admits a strongly aperiodic subshift of finite type, and [Coh17] shows no group with two or more ends admits such a subshift. 3(4): 220-234, 1960.