Reports in recent years indicate that the increasing emergence of resistance to drugs be using to TB treatment. The resistance to them severely affects to options for effective treatment. The emergence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis has increased interest in understanding the mechanism of drug resistance in M. tuberculosis and the development of new therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines. In this study, a label-free quantitative proteomics approach has been used to analyze proteome of multidrug-resistant and susceptible clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis and identify differences in protein abundance between the two groups. With this approach, we were able to identify a total of 1,583 proteins. The majority of identified proteins have predicted roles in lipid metabolism, intermediary metabolism, cell wall and cell processes. Comparative analysis revealed that 68 proteins identified by at least two peptides showed significant differences of at least twofolds in relative abundance between two groups. In all protein differences, the increase of some considering proteins such as NADH dehydrogenase, probable aldehyde dehydrogenase, cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 3, probable arabinosyltransferase A, putative lipoprotein, uncharacterized oxidoreductase and six membrane proteins in resistant isolates might be involved in the drug resistance and to be potential diagnostic protein targets. The decrease in abundance of proteins related to secretion system and immunogenicity (ESAT-6-like proteins, ESX-1 secretion system associated proteins, O-antigen export system and MPT63) in the multidrug-resistant strains can be a defensive mechanism undertaken by the resistant cell.