The contribution of the Ser45 hydrogen bond to biotin binding activation and equilibrium thermodynamics was investigated by biophysical and X-ray crystallographic studies. The S45A mutant exhibits a 1,700-fold greater dissociation rate and 907-fold lower equilibrium affinity for biotin relative to wild-type streptavidin at 37 8C, indicating a crucial role in binding energetics. The crystal structure of the biotin-bound mutant reveals only small changes from the wild-type bound structure, and the remaining hydrogen bonds to biotin retain approximately the same lengths. No additional water molecules are observed to replace the missing hydroxyl, in contrast to the previously studied D128A mutant. The equilibrium DG8, DH8, DS8, DC8 P , and activation DG ‡ of S45A at 37 8C are Ϫ13.7 6 0.1 kcal0mol, Ϫ21.1 6 0.5 kcal0mol, Ϫ23.7 6 1.8 cal0mol K, Ϫ223 6 12 cal0mol K, and 20.0 6 2.5 kcal0mol, respectively. Eyring analysis of the large temperature dependence of the S45A off-rate resolves the DH ‡ and DS ‡ of dissociation, 25.8 6 1.2 kcal0mol and 18.7 6 4.3 cal0mol K. The large increases of DH ‡ and DS ‡ in the mutant, relative to wild-type, indicate that Ser45 could form a hydrogen bond with biotin in the wild-type dissociation transition state, enthalpically stabilizing it, and constraining the transition state entropically. The postulated existence of a Ser45-mediated hydrogen bond in the wild-type streptavidin transition state is consistent with potential of mean force simulations of the dissociation pathway and with molecular dynamics simulations of biotin pullout, where Ser45 is seen to form a hydrogen bond with the ureido oxygen as biotin slips past this residue after breaking the native hydrogen bonds.