we have studied the crystalline structure of bulk ZnX (X
= O, S, Se, Te) and ZnF2 systems as a first step to understand
the structures like ZnX and Zn-based systems like ZnO/ZnF2 interfaces, which are of utmost importance for possible technological
applications. In addition, an adequate methodological description
based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations is necessary.
It is well known that plain DFT calculations based on local or semilocal
exchange–correlation functionals fail to describe the correct
band gap energy for these systems, whereas nonlocal approaches, such
as hybrid-based functionals, can compensate the underestimation of
band gap. To contribute to the assessment, DFT studies were performed
within semilocal Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) and two
nonlocal functionals, hybrid Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof
(HSE) and PBE + U functionals. Our results confirm
that PBE underestimates the energy band gap values, from 33.0 to 42.8%
for ZnX compounds compared to the experimental values. Applying the
hybrid HSE functional, we obtained a band gap dependency in relation
to the range of separation of the nonlocal exact exchange, in general
decreasing the band gap error and improving the lattice constant description.
In addition, using the PBE + U approach, we have
investigated the localization of the Zn d-states and its effect on
the band gap in ZnX and ZnF2. We found an increase in the
band gap with increasing Hubbard parameter, which introduces on-site
Coulomb corrections for the Zn 3d states. In the same context, the
relevance to include the Hubbard corrections for the O 2p states (and
X p states) is highlighted. Thus, considering PBE + U, the error in ZnO band gap, for example, decreases to 5.1%, in relation
to the experimental value. Finally, ZnO-12L/ZnF2-4L superlattices
are found to exhibit conventional electronic properties, such as low
fundamental band gap, smaller than either of the parent materials.
Our first-principles calculations reveal that the unexpected band
gap reduction is induced by the conducting layers that tend to penetrate
the interface and decrease the band gap, leading to the transport
of carriers through the interface to ZnF2, which, even
with a high band gap for charge transfer, can be interesting for photovoltaic