The world must move away from fossil-fuel usage, which helps mitigate climate change and promotes eco-friendly renewable energies. [1] Climate agreements made in Paris are the key to achieving this goal. [2] To achieve this energy revolution, it is essential to control the levels of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. [2] It is also important to monitor the air quality because air pollution can cause serious health problems. Mainly, it is caused by polluting energy sources, for example, fossil-fuel combustion (coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shales, tar sands, and heavy oils), and chemical-waste emissions. [1] Addressing those issues with renewable energy will be essential if policymakers are to limit net-zero CO 2 emissions with a universal temperature decrement of up to 1.5 °C by 2050. [1] Using renewable energy sources can control air pollution and provide better prosperity to climate change. [3,4] Energy harvesting, energy access, and energy storage are essential processes for renewables-based energy technologies, which play an important role in energy transition at the forefront of national and global concerns. [2] Fortunately, renewable energies are a facile and cost-effective technology for electricity production. [5] The nation is strongly dependent on imported fossil fuels suffering many pollution issues. Renewable energy can offer a facile and cost-effective energy technology from diverse energy sources, creating more flexibility in the system. It is also reported that the average cost of electricity production of all commercially available renewable energy sources decreased. [2,4] For example, remarkable changes have occurred in the cost of electricity production by the solar photovoltaic (PV) technology from 2010 to 2018, declining by 77%. [1,2] Rapid decreases in the cost of renewable energy are more important to achieve this goal. Among all renewable energy technology options, faster growth of PV technology alone can effectively decrease the CO 2 emission of 4.9 Gt (gigatonnes) in 2050. [2,4] Solar PV technology is expected to lead the second-major power production energy source by 2050, just behind hydroelectric and wind power. [2,4] Total PV technology usage has been expected to be almost six times higher than the present scenario. The total global energy from 480 GW in 2018 to 2 840 GW by 2030 and to 8 519 GW by 2050, an improvement of 18 times will be achieved. [1,2,4] Interestingly, solar-cell PV technology is one of the fastestgrowing energy of renewable energy sources. [6] In solar PV technology, efficiency, cost, and lifetime (golden triangle) are more concern. Several factors need to be fine-tuned to get highly efficient solar PV technology. [7] From a technical perspective, highly efficient solar cells reduce the number of modules that need to be installed in a panel, the required land area, and the length of cables. From a marketing point of view, the solar industry can provide cost-effective and long-term stable devices. [3,4] The further development of solar-cell technology mostly depen...