105We continue the previous quark·model studies of qq pair·creation transition amplitudes for P·wave baryons and evaluate the energy shifts of compact 3q energies due to the couplings to baryon-meson composite configurations. These baryon-meson configurations are described by the antisymmetrized (3q)(qq) cluster-model wave functions composed of simple harmonic oscillator functions and the plane-wave relative motion. The rich spin-flavor SU6 structure of the transition amplitudes due to the off-shell Fermi-Breit interaction and threshold effects of various baryon-meson configurations predict non-uniform energy shifts for each member of the SU6 supermultiplet, thus yielding a. possible resolution of the missing LS force problem in the P-wave baryons. A typical example is given for a slightly modified off-shell Fermi-Breit interaction in which th~ sign of the SU6 breaking term is inverted. Except for the flavor-singlet A resonances at the lowest energies, the energy spectrum and the mixing features of the spin S=1/2 and 3/2 resonances are well reproduced together with the partial decay widths to pseudo-scalar mesons and ground-state baryons. § 1. IntroductionFrom the advent of QeD, quark models have been widely accepted as a starting point of almost any kind of discussion to correlate many observables in hadronic phenomena.
l )Thus constituent quarks and anti-quarks interacting with potentials, such as the Fermi-Breit interaction as a residual interaction, are more or less considered to be realistic entities. This allows us serious considerations of quantummechanical treatments of many-quark systems_ Nucleons have already been treated as such systems in great detail over the last several decades, and many logical arguments and special techniques to untangle the intricate nature of many-body quantum systems have been developed. The non-relativistic nature of the model is surely one of its shortcomings_ However, this does not mean that all discussions based on this model are meaningless. The spinor structure of Dirac particles of quarks is still evidenced in the form of the Fermi-Breit interaction,2) which inherits the spirit of the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation in converting the lower components of spinor functions to the upper ones in the dominant non-relativistic approximation. However, the essence of the constituent quark models lies in the exact treatment of symmetries carried by spatial, spin-flavor and color degrees of freedom.In this series of papers, we have been investigating characteristic features of baryon-meson couplings by using a naive non-relativistic quark model supplemented with a quark-antiquark (qq) pair-creation interaction. This interaction is derived from the off-shell part of the one-gluon exchange interaction in the non-relativistic approximation_ 3 ),4)In previous papers,5);6) referred to as I and II hereafter, we have applied this pair-creation interaction to the description of meson-emission processes of S-wave and P-wave baryons. In the first paper,5) we have developed a new