G. Burbach et al.: Molecular Motion in Solid [Sb(CH3)4]X, X = CI, Br, I, PFh, and BF4 etc. Solid [Sb(CH,),]X, X = Cl, Br, I, PF6, and BF4.
Molecular Motion inCoriiples Compounds j Crystal Structure ))) Molecular Dynamics 1 Pllasr Tronsirioiis /
Spectroscopy. Nuclear Maglietic ResonanceThe tumbling motion of the tetramethylstibonium cation [Sb(CH,)J' has been studied in the ionic compounds [Sh(CHJ),]X X = CI.Br, 1, PF6, and BF,, by measurement of the second moment of the protons M,('H) in the temperature range 95 I 7;'K I 340.-At room temperature the iodide, hexafluorophosphate, and tetrafluoroborate crystallize with hexagonal unit cell. The crystal structure of [Sb(CH&]I was determined by singlc crystal X-ray diffraction: a = 728.4(3) prn, c = 1037.7(5) pm. space group Cg -P6? mc, 2 = 2.-Ml ( ' i f ) of [Sb(CHj)4]I shows cation tumbling at T > 320 K. The methyl groups are rotating about their threefold axes in the wholc temperature range studied. -In [Sb(CH3),]PF6 and [Sb(CH3)JBF4 both, cation and anion are tumbling at T 2 259 K and T 2 248 K, respectively. as seen by M?('H) and MZ("F). A jump in the second moments and differential thermal analysis (DTA) of [Sb(CH,),]BF, reveals a solid-solid phase transition with hysteresis (width 28 K). Activation energies for the tumbling motion of the tetramethylstibonium cation have been determined.