The spin vector orientation of 1302 SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) galaxies in Supercluster S[173+014+0082] having redshift 0.076 to 0.091 has been analysed. The positions, position angles and inclination angles of galaxies are used to convert two-dimensional observed parameters into three-dimensional angular momentum vectors of the galaxy using the `position angle-inclination' method. The expected isotropic distribution curves are determined performing numerical simulation by generating 107 virtual galaxies. The observed distribution is compared with the expected isotropic distribution curves using three statistical tools namely Chi-square test, auto-correlation test and Fourier test. Redshift map is studied and found that the distributions fit with the Gaussian. No preferred alignment of angular momentum vectors is noticed, supporting Hierarchy model of galaxy formation.
BIBECHANA 18 (2021) 26-32