At last my thoughts can be expressed to all the many special people to whom I owe so much thanks. Without your help the completion of graduate school~let alone a thesis~would have been only a dream. First, my deepest appreciation to the faculty for your professional, yet personal, guidance and help, molding me into the more competent clinician I feel I have become. Dr. Ted Grove, thanks for explaining a statistical procedure that I could understand and use for my thesis. Dr. Kaplan, thank you for your helpful comments as a member of my thesis committee. I hope you will find the B-P beneficial to your students. Dr. E., many thanks for your help and suggestions in my clinical practicums. Joan McMahon, thank you for all your clinical suggestions, especially during student teaching. Your go-get-'em attitude toward clinical work has been an inspiration to me! Shari Kazdoy, thanks for your input. How could I have learned so much about the hearing impaired without your personal example, explanations and suggestions for management. Margaret Callahan, you are a super example to follow. • I learned a lot on our travels through the Oregon countryside. Kerry Lewis, my thanks to you for your guidance as a clinical supervisor and for your input on my thesis. A simple chat in the halls or in your office about my concerns was always helpful. Dr. Casteel, no words express my gratitude for your help on my thesis and throughout the two years as my advisor. You have been more than an advisor. You have been a friend, a motivator, a "father" and a professional model. Your concern not only for my professional growth but also for me as a person will always be remembered. v Mary Gordon, you have played a big role in helping me to improve as a clinician. You have a special way with people; and as my instructor, supervisor, friend and thesis director, you reflected this quality. I cannot possibly express my appreciation to you for all your help. Your calmness, incitefulness and simple explanations helped pull me off the ceiling many times! You are certainly an example to follow. Thank you again.