This paper is dedicated to Prof. Raymond U . Lemieux on the occasion of his 60th birthday PETER WAN, TOMASZ A. KEITH YATES. Can. J. Chem. 58,2423 (1980). The acid-catalysed hydrolysis of lactams of ring size 4-7, and of N-ethylacetamide, has been studied at various temperatures in 0-70% aqueous sulfuric acids. The kinetics have been analysed by means of the r-hydration parameter treatment and the transition-state activity coefficient (TSAC) approach. Except for the (3-lactam, all substrates show a strongpos~tiverate dependence on water activity, indicating a tetrahedral intermediate type of mechanism (A82), similar to that found for simple (acyclic) amide hydrolyses; only the (3-lactam shows a negative rate -water activity dependence, which is interpreted in terms of a unimolecular (Aal) mechanism, involving rate-determining acylium ion formation. Similarly, all substrates except the (3-lactam show a pronounced destabilization of the transition-state as ac~dity is increased, typical of oxonium Ion specles. The behaviour of the (3-lactam resembles that of methyl mesitoate hydrolys~s. Basicity constants for lactams of ring size 4-9 show a definite dependence on ring s u e , with the 6-lactam being unusually basic. Both rate and pK dependence on ring size are discussed In terms of ring strain and steric effects. The activat~on parameters, particularly AS*, are fully consistent with the conclus~ons drawn concerning transitionstate hydration.