“…The positive effects of these elements can be explained by considering various factors: when an alloying element with a higher valence than that of Ti is incorporated in the scale, oxygen vacancy concentration in the TiO 2 lattice decreases via a mechanism called doping effect in accordance with the 1 SAkArYA AppLied SCieNCe UNiverSiTY, TeCHNOLOGY FACULTY, depArTmeNT OF meTALLUrGY ANd mATeriALS eNGiNeeriNG, eSeNTepe CAmpUS, 54187, SAkArYA-TUrkeY 2 SAkArYA AppLied SCieNCe UNiverSiTY, TeCHNOLOGY FACULTY, depArTmeNT OF COmpUTer eNGiNeeriNG, eSeNTepe CAmpUS, 54187, SAkArYA-TUrkeY * Corresponding author: yigitgarip@hotmail.com principle of maintaining the electroneutrality [4], decrease of O diffusion and solubility in the substrate resulting in enhanced scale-substrate adherence [12], As a result of increasing Al activity, the formation of the protective Al 2 O 3 layer can be supported on the alloy surface. As far as mechanical characteristics are concerned, it is worth mentioning that the addition of Nb and Ta alloying elements decrease the creep rate as they are slower diffusers in the TiAl alloys [16].…”