We have investigated the motion of electrons in a new, high voltage segmented hollow cathode discharge, which is known to be an efficient pumping source for charge-transfer excited UV metal ion lasers. We have studied the spatial distribution of ion production, electron energy distributions, statistics of electron avalanches, the fraction of oscillating electrons, and the distribution of the fast electrons' current on the anode surface in a helium discharge having four electrode segments. We have found that the ion production is strongly peaked in the centre of the discharge due to the focusing cathode geometry. The effect of magnetic field on the characteristics of the discharge was also studied. With increasing magnetic field the peak of the spatial distribution of ionization was split into two regions of high ionization rate. Furthermore, due to the magnetic field, at fixed discharge current the number of high-energy electrons absorbed on the anode increased considerably, and a higher number of primary electrons were absorbed by the anode without making any ionization. At constant discharge voltage the fraction of oscillating electrons was found to decrease, due to the applied longitudinal magnetic field. The magnetic field dependence of the spatial distribution of ion production, the energy distribution of electrons absorbed by the anode and the fraction of oscillating electrons at different discharge conditions were also studied in a discharge having six electrode segments.