A full con® guration interaction study on the BH molecule is presented. The potential energy curves of 20 di erent electronic states have been calculated correlating the four valence electrons. On the two most important states, i.e. the X 1 R + and A 1 P states, a complete study has been performed. This includes the e ect of core electron correlation, estimated via truncated con® guration interaction techniques. The dissociation energy of the molecule in the two states and the height of the predissociative barrier in the A 1 P state have been determined with basis sets of increasing quality.
IntroductionThe BH molecule has been widely studied both by experimentalists and theoreticians, and a large quantity of data on the spectroscopic properties of various electronic states is available. Nevertheless it appears that, in some cases, the experimental and theoretical results are inconsistent, and it is thus interesting to perform calculations on a small system like this. In this paper a comprehensive study on the BH molecule at the full con® guration interaction (FCI) level is presented. Twenty di erent electronic states of the molecule were studied at the FCI level, correlating the four valence electrons, and the electronic potential curves for all of them were determined. The results obtained at this level give useful information on the behaviour of the molecule in its di erent states, and can also be used as benchmarks to test approximate methods.We then concentrated on the X